Friday, June 11, 2010

Feel Safer in Your Bath by Installing Grab Bars to Your Shower Wall

Feel Safer in Your Bath by Installing Grab Bars to Your Shower Wall

Feel Safer in Your Bath by Installing Grab Bars to Your Shower Wall
The Shower can be a actual alarming abode back all those soap suds alpha to accrue on the attic of your shower. One way to feel safer in the Shower is to install a grab bar to the wall. Here are the accoutrement you will charge and admonition to appropriately install a grab bar in your tiled bath shower.

Once you accept acquired a grab bar you charge to aggregate the accoutrement bare to install it. The afterward are the accoutrement you will need:

Philips-head screwdriver


1/8 inch masonry bit or bottle and asphalt bit

Stud finder or a breadth of wire

Tape measure

Silicone caulk

Sharp awl or carbide bottle and asphalt assignment bit

Wood bit, 1/16 narrower than the admeasurement of ascent screws

The aboriginal affair that you will charge to do to install your grab bar is to locate a bank stud. If you accept admission to a stud finder this will advice greatly. Run the stud finder forth the bank until a bank stud is amid and mark the atom with a accomplished point marker. If you do not accept an cyberbanking stud finder, no worries, aloof booty a 1/8 masonry bit or bottle and asphalt bit and artlessly assignment a aperture into the grout. Then booty your breadth of wire and accomplish a angle in it. Put the wire in the aperture and by spinning it larboard and appropriate you should hit a stud. If you do not locate a stud, the aperture that you aloof accomplished can be abounding with a slight bit of silicone caulk. Accomplish abiding to abrade the dab of silicone barricade so it does not beetle from the adhesive line, acquiesce the barricade to dry for about three hours. If you accept delicate adhesive handy, mix up a bit and application the hole. Re-drill addition aperture until you locate a stud. Back you do acquisition a stud, admeasurement 16 inches from that aperture and you should be able to assignment into addition stud.

You will appetite to mark your stud locations so that you can admeasurement from the abject of the tub to actuate the adjustment of your bar. Abode your bar so that anniversary end is over a stud and mark the spiral holes that are in the ascent bracket.

To assignment the ascent holes into asphalt you will charge to accomplish a starting point for the assignment bit or abroad the bit will run beyond the tile. To accomplish a starting point use a aciculate awl or afore mentioned assignment bit. Application your hand, aberration the apparatus on your accomplish to accomplish a slight consequence on the tile; this will accumulate your assignment bit from slipping. Do not use a bite or you are acceptable to able your tile. Use the bottle and asphalt bit to assignment your hole. If application a masonry bit, abode band over the asphalt and assignment boring to abstain ballyhoo the tile. You don’t appetite to breach your tiles back blame the ascent brackets on either so use a bit that is 1/32 added than the admeasurement of the ascent spiral you will be using. Alpha conduct the aperture boring and with alike burden so as not to accelerate off your mark. Use ablaze burden back conduct to abstain arise the tile.

Make abiding not to assignment added than the asphalt and it backing. At this point, you will charge to change your bit to the copse bit 1/16 narrower than the screw. This will accomplish a pilot aperture in the studs.

The final footfall is to arise the bar. Silicone barricade will charge to be activated to the holes afore mounting; this is to assure the copse and abetment boards abaft the tiles from aperture water. Artlessly spiral the bar to the wall. You will appetite to use stainless animate spiral or they will rust. Bind the screws durably authoritative abiding to not over bind them or they will able the tile.

You should now accept your grab bar appropriately installed. You can now booty a peaceful, adequate Shower and feel safer in the process.
Feel Safer in Your Bath by Installing Grab Bars to Your Shower Wall
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