Call Of Duty Xbox
Call of Duty 5 World at War Review
Executive Summary about Call Of Duty 5 By Ricky Lim
Call of Duty - World at War 5 is a first person shooter video game and is one of the most popular World War II theme video games. This game takes place during World War II. The game focuses its attention solely on the Pacific Theatre and the Eastern Front of the world war, at least in the Windows version.
The game also includes Nazi Germany.
World at War 5 also has a multi-player portion where multiple layers of games modes are involved.
This strategy in the video game of gathering excess awards and weaponry was originally introduced in the game Call for Duty - War of the Worlds part 4.
In the new version, Call of Duty: World at War 5, a maximum of four online players and two offline players can be accommodated in the console version. World at War 5 was criticized by a few who were unsatisfied with the game going back to the world war theme since many gamers prefer contemporary present war scenarios.
Call Of Duty 4 Review And Guide
Executive Summary about Call Of Duty 4 By Emily Brooks
Call Of Duty fans have every reason to be excited, the latest in the series, Call Of Duty 4 is due to be released on November 6, 2007 in the United States. Gaming fans are gearing up for the latest addition to their favorite Call of Duty series. No matter what platform you choose to play the Call of Duty 4 game on, such as Xbox, PlayStation, or personal computer, you are sure to welcome the many new improvements.
If you would prefer to play away from your computer, why not get yourself the Call of Duty 4 Xbox game or the Call of Duty 4 PlayStation game. Either way, you will get the opportunity to experience all of the fun, strategy, and role-playing that this first person shooter game has to offer.