Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Baby Names and Meanings (Ibrani)

Baby Names and Meanings (Ibrani)

( A )
AARON : Cahaya
ABBOTT : Mempunyai semangat
ABNER : Kecerdasan
ADAH : Mahkota raja
ADAM : Manusia; Makhluk hidup; Umat manusia
AMOS : Orang yang bijaksana
ANYA : Penuh keagungan
ANITA/ANN : Simpatik
ARDATH : Taman bunga
ARDDUN : Luhur, mulia
ARIEL : Singa
ASHER : Keberuntungan
ATHALIA : Yang maha Agung & Mulia
AVRAM : Si Ayah
AZALIA : Yang dilindungi
AZARIA : Yang diberkahi
( B )
BARTHOLOMEUS : Putra pembajak
BARTIMEUS : Keturunan bangsawan
BEN : Orang yang didoakan
BENA : Bijaksana
BENJAMIN : Yang paling disenangi rejeki
BENYAMIN : Putra, tangan kanan
BESS : Takdir Tuhan
BETSY : Takdir Tuhan
BETTY : Takdir Tuhan
BEULAH : Wanita yang sudah menikah
( D )
DABARATH : Dari tempat dingin
DANIEL : Tuhan Maha Adil
DANILA : Tuhan yang mengadili
DARDA : Mutiara kebijaksanaan
DARNELL : Tuhan Maha Adil
DAVE : Orang yang dicintai
DAVID : Orang yang dicintai
DEBBY : Kumbang
DEBORAH : Tawon/Kumbang
DINAH : Hakim yang adil
( E )
EDEN : Taman bahagia
EDNA : Remaja kembali
ELI : Hebat, terkemuka
ELIJAH : Yesus adalah Tuhan
ELLIS : Penyelamat manusia
ELIZABETH : Takdir Tuhan
EMANUEL : Tuhan bersamamu
EMMANUEL : Tuhan bersama kita
ENDORA : Air mancur
ERLINDA : Lincah serta giat
EVE : Kehidupan
EVAN : Anugrah Tuhan yang paling indah
EZAR : Harta
EZARA : Sedikit harta
( G )
GABRIEL : Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa
GABRELLE : Kekuatan Tuhan
GADMAN : Keberuntungan
GAMALI : Balas jasa
GAVRA : Tuhanlah kekuatanku
GAVRILA : Tuhan sumber kekuatanku
GIAN : Anugrah Tuhan yang paling indah
GIOVANNI : Anugrah Tuhan yang paling indah
GURIAS : Keluarga Nomad
( H )
HACHMANN : Pelajar
HAGGAL : Seorang yang berpesta
HANNAH : Keanggunan
HANNO : Anggun
HANS : Anugrah Tuhan yang Maha Indah
HANUSIA : Keagungan Tuhan
HAVILAH : Tumpukan harta
HELSA : Dipersembahkan kepada Tuhan
HIRAM : Kedudukan dan pribadi yang agung
HYMAN : Kehidupan
( I )
IAGO : Pengganti
IRA : Penunggu
ISAAC : Riang gembira
ISABEL : Takdir Tuhan
ISCAR : Ia yang menanti
ISHAK : Tertawa
ISRAEL : Prajurit Tuhan
IVAH : Pemberian Tuhan yang maha indah
( J )
JABEZ : Penyebab kedukaan
JABRIEL : Kesehatan, anugrah
JACK : Anugrah Tuhan yang paling indah
JACOB : Sang pengganti
JAIR : Diterima Tuhan
JAKEH : Sabar
JAN : Anugrah Tuhan yang paling indah
JANE : Tuhan Maha Pengasih ; gadis remaja
JANNAH : Pemberian Tuhan yang Maha Mulia
JANET : Gadis remaja
JANICE : Gadis remaja
JARED : Keturunan nenek moyang
JECONIA : Hadiah dari Tuhan
JEREMIA : Dikasihi Tuhan
JESSE : Anugrah Tuhan
JESSIE : Tuhan Menyayangi; kekayaan
JESSICA : Tuhan Menyayangi; kekayaan
JOANNA : Karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah
JODIE : Pendiam; pujian
JOSEPHINE : Wanita yang mempunyai banyak anak
JOHN : Anugrah Tuhan yang maha indah
JONAS : Merpati
JOSHUA : Yang diselamatkan Tuhan
JOSIAH : Disembuhkan Tuhan
JUDITH : Yang dipuji
( L )
LABAN : Putih
LABANA : Berkulit kuning gading
LENI : Menara kekuatan
LEVI : Bersatu / persatuan
LIBNA : Jujur
LILITH : Yang termasuk malam
LISA : Membaktikan diri pada Tuhan
LIZ : Takdir Tuhan
( M )
MAHOLA : Penari
MAGDA : Menara kekuatan
MALINA : Dari menara yang tinggi
MAMIE : Wanita dari laut
MANUAH : Ketenangan
MANUELA : Tuhan bersama kita
MARELLA : Prajurit
MARIA : Kegembiraan
MARIAN : Keanggunan
MARY : Wanita dari laut
MATT : Anugrah Tuhan
MATTHEW : Anugrah Tuhan
MICHAEL : Serupa Tuhan
MICK : Serupa Tuhan
MIKE : Serupa Tuhan
MICHAELIA : Luar biasa cantiknya
MICHELLE : Nama bunga
MIRIAM : Duka cita
MOSES : Orang yang diselamatkan dari air/laut
MOZA : Air mancur
MURIEL : Manis-manis pahit
( N )
NAHUM : Si Penghibur
NANA : Keagungan
NANNY : Penuh keagungan
NANCY : Keagungan
NAT : Hadiah
NATHAN : Pemberi
NATHANIA : Pemberian Tuhan
NATHANIEL : Anugerah Tuhan
NINI : Penuh keagungan
NISTANA : Penuh keagungan
NOAH : Orang yang diberi ilham; selamat
( O )
OBADIAH : Abdi Tuhan
OBALA : Dari lembah-lembah
OBED : Melayani
OMAR : Pandai bicara dan memikat
OZELLA : Sebuah bayangan
OZORA : Kekuatan yang berasal dari Tuhan
( R )
RACHEL : Ramah tamah / sopan santun
RAE : Polos
RENATA : Dilahirkan kembali; memperbaharui
RUTH : Persahabatan
( S )
SABBA : Istirahat
SABIAN : Tuan rumah di Surga
SALLY : Seorang putrid
SALOME : Perdamaian
SAM : Seperti Matahari
SAMUEL : Orang yang sangat terkemuka
SAMPSON : Mempunyai kecerdasan dan kekuatan
SIMONA : Mendengar
SANSON : Matahari yang cemerlang
SARAH : Putri
SARID : Orang yang selamat
SUSIE/SUZANNE : Sekuntum bunga bakung
SAVA : Ketenangan
SELIMA : Penuh kedamaian
SEMIRA : Setinggi langit
SHIRA : Kesejahteraan
SHOHAN : Mulia
SILVESTER : Orang yang datang dari daerah hutan
SIMON : Mendengar
SOLOMAN : Damai; selamat
( T )
THOMAS : Si Kembar
TOBEY : Yang baik atau yang sopan
TSIPORA : Burung
( Z )
ZAMIRA : Nyanyian
ZANE : Penyeberangan
ZANETA : Keagungan Tuhan
ZEBADIAH : Anugerah Tuhan
ZEBE : Anugerah Tuhan
ZEBULON : Penghuni suatu tempat
ZELLA : Bayangan
ZERA : Subuh; waktu fajar
ZERLINDA : Seindah diwaktu fajar
ZIILA : Bayangan
ZINAH : Berlimpah-limpah
ZIPORAH : Burung
ZITA : Kekasih yang terhormat

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mau Sehat Ayo Puasa……

Mau Sehat Ayo Puasa……

Banyak Pakar kesehatan berpendapatan bahwa dengan berpuasa merupakan salah satu cara menuju sehat. Dengan berpuasa orang yang sehat menjadi lebih sehat dan sebaliknya orang yang sakit menjadi sehat.

Untuk menjada tubug tetap tetap fit sepanjang hari selama berpuasa sekitar 14 jam kita memerlukan asupan gizi yang baik. Kunci utamanya adalah dengan mengatur sebaik-baiknya konsumsi makanan waktu sahur dan buka puasa. Menu empat sehat lima sempurna perlu disajikan setiap sahur dan buka puasa secara proporsional. Untuk menu utama sahur, para ahli gizi menyarankan untuk mengurangi asupan karbohidrat, memperbanyak asupan protein dan lemak serta serat pangan yang dapat diperoleh dari konsumsi sayuran dan buah. Untuk buka puasa, sebaiknya mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman manis terlebih dahulu (seperti kurma dan sirup), setelah sholat maghrib baru menu utama. Hindari mengawali buka puasa dengan camilan yang akan merusak nafsu makan menu utama. Dengan pola seperti itu tubuh akan tetap fit dan lebih sehat, profil kolesterol dan gula darah lebih baik, dan masalah pencernaan seperti asam lambung dan sembelit akan sirna.

Para ahli gizi banyak yang merekomendasikan untuk mengkonsumsi makanan berserat tinggi untuk mempertahankan stamina tubuh selama berpuasa. karena makanan yang mengandung serat tinggi akan dicerna secara perlahan sehingga dapat menyediakan energi lebih lama dibanding makanan berserat rendah seperti nasi.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Home Loans with Bad Credit

Home Loans with Bad Credit

The adeptness to acquisition home loans with bad acclaim can be difficult but not impossible.

Previous to 1990 if you did not authorize for a FHA or VA home mortgage it was actual difficult to get a mortgage. This aback has afflicted and there are companies accouterment home loans with bad acclaim on a circadian basis. These loans were alien to advice aerial accident borrowers to defended a mortgage and become homeowners.

When you are attractive for home loans with bad acclaim you will apparently appetite to attending into what is alleged a subprime loan. This is a accommodation to bodies with a damaged acclaim history and would be advised a aerial accident borrower. Because of the college risk, subprime loans commonly crave a beyond bottomward acquittal and a college absorption rate. The college the accident the lender feels you are, based on acclaim array and added factors the college the amount to borrow will be. If the accident seems lower you could accept a lower amount and lower bottomward acquittal alike if you are still advised a aerial accident borrower.

Most subprime loans accept .1% up to .6% college ante than those of a accepted loan. Home loans with bad acclaim are fabricated because lenders apperceive that generally a being with beneath than absolute acclaim did appetite to accomplish their payments but because of illness, accident of application or some added accident out of the borrowers ascendancy may accord to backward payments or foreclosures.

If you were analytic for home loans with bad acclaim you will appetite to accumulate in apperception a brace of important tips. If you already own a home, and had some banking difficulties a subprime accommodation may advice you to achieve your acclaim status. By refinancing with home loans for bad acclaim you can refinance for added than you owe. Take the banknote aback on the disinterestedness you accept and use this to pay off aerial absorption acclaim cards, liens, or collections. You would save money anniversary ages and be rebuilding your acclaim appraisement at the aforementioned time.

As you can see award home loans with bad acclaim is a bit cher but it is not absurd and the final aftereffect is with acceptable money administration you access your acclaim appraisement and own the home of your dreams.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bad Acclaim Home Loans

Bad Acclaim Home Loans

A "bad acclaim home loan" is a accommodation that one can get admitting accepting a bad acclaim rating. Many lenders action a bad acclaim home accommodation alive absolutely that their accommodation is secure, aback it is taken on mortgage of your home.

A bad acclaim home accommodation is an apparatus of befalling for those who accept bad acclaim appraisement and would like bead out of their debt and alpha on the alley to acceptable acclaim building. By availing of a bad acclaim home accommodation you can lower your account payments by accumulation all your debts and additionally adore a lower absorption amount on the accepted debt. The alliance and advantageous off your accepted debts by availing of a bad acclaim home accommodation is a above footfall appear acclaim repair. Most accepted options accessible on bad acclaim home loans are banknote out mortgage refinance and home disinterestedness loans. It’s best to accord with a mortgage aggregation online to abstain coffer associate’s allocution about and skepticism. Its additionally easier to analyze assorted offers anatomy altered lenders to accomplish abiding you are not actuality cheated. Please accumulate in apperception the afterward while bushing up forms for online mortgage:

• Make abiding you apprehend the accessories on online mortgage at the bad acclaim home accommodation lender’s websites.

• While applying for online quotes, do not opt for a all-encompassing appraisal which is based on you account assets and bills, ample out abundant advice whereupon you can get a absolute authentic quote.

• Try and get to the absolute bad acclaim home accommodation amount i.e. including the closing fees, appliance fees, any added charges, absorption charged, acquittal and accommodation fees etc.

• After achievement of bad acclaim home loan, plan to refinance in about three years, by which you should be aback in acceptable credit, if you accept kept up approved repayments. This will advice in abbreviation your abbreviate time debt and aerate your approaching acclaim rating.

Use your bad acclaim home accommodation to the best advantage to get your acclaim appraisement aback in line.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Things You Should Know About Bad Credit Home Equity Line Of Credit

Things You Should Know About Bad Credit Home Equity Line Of Credit

Bad acclaim can access the adversity that a homeowner encounters aback gluttonous a home disinterestedness band of credit. Bad acclaim can be the acumen for a poor acclaim score.

What is a acclaim score? The acclaim account varies amid the ethics of 300 and 850. The acclaim account is the conception of the Fair Isaac Corporation. Lenders who align for a home disinterestedness band of acclaim use the acclaim account in adjustment to set the absorption amount that will be answerable the homeowner.

Homeowners with a low acclaim account will charge to pay college absorption payments. A account aloft 700 is affirmation of acceptable absorption rates. The acclaim account additionally serves as an indicator of whether or not a lender should acquire a homeowner’s appliance for credit. Decisions on acclaim banned for the homeowner are additionally based on the homeowner’s acclaim score.

The acclaim account is a activity of the homeowner’s accomplished band of credit. Those agencies are Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. If a homeowner with a low acclaim account wants to accession that score, again the homeowner charge acquaintance anniversary of those three agencies.

The accomplishment to affected a almanac of bad acclaim and to accession a acclaim account requires the battling of apocryphal claims that money is owed. If the homeowner can prove that the affirmation for money is affected again the homeowner has an befalling to accession his acclaim score. This activity should be taken if the homeowner who affairs to seek a home disinterestedness band of acclaim has a account beneath than 640. Such a account would be a assurance of bad credit.

The battling of a acclaim account is not like a attempt in the dark. The acclaim account for a couple, a brace that are collective homeowners, is based on three acclaim array from the being with the best ample income. If the homeowner is lucky, again the acclaim account will be added and the absorption amount for the adapted home disinterestedness band of acclaim will be lowered.

Once the homeowner has a acceptable acclaim account again he will appetite to abstain bottomward aback into that arena of bad credit.