Showing posts with label Rehearsal dinner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rehearsal dinner. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Proper Wedding Etiquette At Rehearsal Dinners

Proper Wedding Etiquette At Rehearsal Dinners

Rehearsal DinnerImage by WxMom via FlickrMost couples who are about to get married face the problem of staging a rehearsal dinner because they have no idea of the proper wedding etiquette at rehearsal dinners.

This articles hopes to provide some enlightenment to the couple regarding the proper wedding etiquette at rehearsal dinner. Enumerated below are some of the usual questions that couples ask regarding the proper wedding etiquette at rehearsal dinners.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Second Wedding, Do It Right This Time...

Second Wedding, Do It Right This Time...

Wedding Reception - Halloween 2008Image by George E. Norkus via Flickr
Tradition and etiquette dictates that second weddings should be simple and casual instead of being formal and extravagant. However, the number of second or encore wedding is sharply growing each year. Such ceremony is designed to celebrate two people who want to embark on a new marriage with different partners.

Etiquette In Announcing Your Engagement
The immediate concern in planning a second wedding is how to announce this to you children. The children should always be the first be notified of your decision to remarry, as this will combine two already-established families. Expect you children to be stressed by your move and they will need a certain amount of time to accept the situation.