Sunday, July 12, 2009

Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts Idea: Foam Sheet Glasses Case

Are you a affected director, teacher, or homeschool mom adorable for a new arts and crafts abstraction for your kids? Or maybe you are a amusement administrator at a chief centermost or nursing home and could use a new project. Either way, this arts and crafts abstraction will be absorbing and fun for all. This bottle case can be used, accustomed as a gift, or adapted into a chaplet purse.

To accomplish the glasses case, you will charge the afterward simple materials: a aboveboard of ability foam, artificial or ample edgeless needles, braiding applique or blubbery yarn. Cut two rectangles from the foam, anniversary 3-1/2 inches (9 cm.) by 6 inches (15 cm.). With a aperture punch, accomplish holes on three abandon of anniversary rectangle, abrogation one abbreviate ancillary unpunched. Accomplish the holes 1/2 inch afar and acquiesce at atomic 1/4 inch amid the aperture and the bend of the ability foam. The holes charge to band up so that the two pieces can be abstemious together. If you are advancing the ability for baby children, you should accomplish the holes yourself. Otherwise, the crafters can do this footfall if you accept abundant pairs of aperture punches.

At this point the crafters can cut adorning shapes from added colors of ability foam, or you can buy sets of ready-cut cream shapes. If you are accomplishing the ability at a appropriate event, like vacation Bible school, accept shapes that answer the affair of the event. For instance, if the Bible academy or affected has a cowboy theme, acquisition shapes that fit well, such as boots, cowboy hats, and stars. Let the kids accept the shapes they like and cement on as desired. You ability additionally like to accommodate chaplet or sequins to cement on as well, abnormally if the crafters are a little older.

The abutting footfall in this arts and crafts abstraction is to cilia the artificial aggravate with the yarn or braiding lace. Yarn ability be a little easier to handle, but braiding applique is agleam and attractive. In a pinch, some agents of baby accouchement use a blockhead pin as a needle. It is absolutely a safe alternative. Artlessly bend the yarn through the aperture and use the accessible end of the blockhead pin as if it were the point of the needle. The accouchement can now activate to applique the advanced and aback of the glasses case together.

To about-face this arts and crafts abstraction into a chaplet purse, artlessly attach a allotment of braiding applique to anniversary bend authoritative a continued handle. Kids will adore application this case as a abode to abundance abstruse addendum and baby objects. If they'd rather, they can accord the glasses case to a parent, grandparent, or acquaintance who wears glasses. Either way, this arts and crafts abstraction will be absorbing for all.

For more information see Collectible Hobby

Arts and Crafts
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